Finding A Great Tree
Service Company

Is It Important?

Finding A Great Tree
Service Company

Is It Important?

Finding A Great Tree
Service Company...

Is It Really Important?

If we are going to answer that question (in the title), we 1st have to face the fact that nothing is as important in your landscape, as your trees. And the reason I say that, is because trees are so darn big.  AND they take forever to GROW to that size.   And they are alive, so that implies a lot too.

I was just talking to a long-time customer, who has been using some trees as a privacy barrier. And we trim them every year. And the question was (for some reason), should the trees be cut down, and something else planted, to eventually become that barrier (2 stories high).  And the answer was no, because by the time whatever was chosen got to the right height, we’d all be in the ground.

That story is just to illustrate the time-scale here.  Whatever decisions are made about your trees can have a permanent effect upon them, and that can go down through the years.

Another recent prospect emphasized to me a few times that they were just getting a few quotes.  He talked about it like it was reasonable, like sometimes it’s the normal thing, just to get a good price for the work.  True enough, right?

I think that must happen a lot in any line of work.  And the assumption is, the person is calling only professional companies, so they should all basically do the same work.

And for some tree jobs, that is basically true, like if you want some small trees removed or something.

This is The Tree

So here (above) is the tree that they wanted a price on, for trimming, not removal.  If they wanted that tree removed, in that case, I would be totally fine with price shopping, because virtually any company, whether small or large, can remove it without a problem, as long as they have basic tools and procedures.

But they wanted it TRIMMED, you see.  In this case, how much it costs, and shopping to get the best cost, is completely inappropriate.  The only thing to be figuring out, is HOW is that tree going to be trimmed.  What is the technique, where are the cuts going to be made, and why?

Most customers will usually not know enough to ask those questions.  They typically will not even know there is a danger here.  Danger, you may be asking?  What do you mean danger? What kind of danger are we talking about here?

Well, the danger, is that someone is going to come along, most likely the cheapest guy, and whack that tree hard, like there is no tomorrow, and guess what?  The tree will never have the chance to be a proper tree ever again.

I’ve trimmed ornamental pears, which is what this is, that were whacked way down, by some guy previously, and they just grew up with long unsightly suckers, from then on.  It’s not a natural look, and it can never be a natural look ever again.

Just go look at my analysis of tree trimming technique.  Those trees in those pics that have been ruined, can never be restored.  The ones that are trimmed correctly have a solid structure that will be like the foundation the tree grows from.  Here are some pics from that post:

Poorly Trimmed Trees In Winter

Poorly Trimmed Trees In Winter

Tree topped, now dormant in winter
Tree topped, now dormant in winter

Well Trimmed Tree In Winter & Summer

Well Trimmed Tree In Winter & Summer

Getting back to the topic of this post, which is, is it important to find a Great Tree Service Company or not, I will say that I began to notice something happening to me about 10 years into this business.  This was still a very long time ago, back before we really had the internet, when it was still in its infancy, let’s say. 

And looking back, I would say people were very suspicious of me compared to now, or maybe cautious is the word.  Back then, I was quite young, so this cautious attitude may have played into my insecurities, but I think looking back, part of their attitude may have come from my marketing methods.

There was no internet then, and I used one innovative technique after another to get customers.  I put out fliers, I did postcards, I even did telemarketing.  Though they all worked for a while, they are each a very cold style.  Now we have reviews, there is an online community; you can check people out.  Back then, there was nothing.

Unless someone referred me from a friend; that’s different.  They were warmer if that happened. 

But what I noticed is that their demeanor totally changed after we did the job.  Or if they called me back to do another job.  At that point, it was almost like I was a member of their family or something.

And when I would go up to get a check, at the end of the job, I would walk away, and it was like, “wow that person was really RAVING about us.”

I began to realize, after about 10 years into this, that this raving thing was happening on a common basis.  It is quite something to have people get so effusive about your style of business, and how you do your work, you know?

Apparently, having a company over on your property to trim OR remove big trees is no joke.  No matter what, the consequences can be big.  And maybe, that raving was like the realization all of a sudden ABOUT that fact, how lucky they were to find a great company, in certain ways.

In a way, trimming leaves a longer mark than removals.  You could see that just from the photos I presented so far.  To see more photos now, you can navigate to our trimming page, and go about ½ way down, you will find more before and after pics.

We Recently Trimmed This Magnolia

We Recently Trimmed This Magnolia

Tree Service Work Looks Like It Belongs In A Circus?

Tree Service Work Looks Like It Belongs In A Circus?

And removals?  They are scary in a different way.  I think in people’s mind so many bad things can happen, which is true. 

It’s just that when you see a crew doing a removal the right way, it’s like watching a well-oiled circus act or something.  It kind of something special to watch, and I think it takes people aback. 

The bottom line is that tree service is no joke.   So, getting back to our initial question, I would say it is VERY important to find a great Tree Service Company.

Of course, I didn’t say anything in this post on HOW a person FINDS a great company. Well, I’m not totally sure on that.  I only have observation and data from MY side, after all. I can say that from my observation, the main emotion I think people show, after working with us, is a sense of relief and trust.   This may come from doing what it takes to give the proper value, and everything flows downhill from that.  So maybe look for that?  Maybe check testimonials, and look for the rave effect in them?

I do hope to see you sometime soon, so I can help you evaluate your trees.  Estimates are free.



It’s important to know what other customers think of our work.  Here you can read all our reviews right on the site.  We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal customers for their continued support and confidence in our services.

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4 Responses

  1. "Agreed, selecting a reputable tree service is crucial for preserving the health and beauty of your trees. Your emphasis on customer trust and satisfaction resonates, reflecting the importance of quality care. I'm available for complimentary evaluations to ensure your trees thrive. Thank you!"

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